Two-axis rotator

Rotation without Limits

… for your

Precise angular alignment of your samples under extreme environmental conditions

Customers, who trust us

Chemistry Seoul National University
Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden
Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses
Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses
Leipniz Institute for Solid State and Material Research Dresden

We know your requirements!

Cutting-edge research

The research of topical materials requires complex and elaborate investigations of the electronic and lattice properties with, e.g., thermodynamic and spectroscopic methods or transport quantities.

Challenging experimental parameters

Extreme conditions, such as high magnetic fields and low temperatures, are often necessary to study particularly spectacular phenomena.

Reliable results

A precise and comprehensive control of the sample alignment and automation of the measurement are important to realize the most demanding projects.

Challenges to the sample rotator at extreme conditions

Employing a competitive, state-of-the-art setup for investigations of the angular-dependent response of a material in, e.g., applied electromagnetic fields or beams of photons or particles, poses many constructional challenges.

Extreme conditions

The rotator is required to operate at the lowest cryogenic temperatures and in the highest magnetic fields.

Small sample space

The available sample space often has dimensions of only a few tens of millimeters

Limited rotation angle

Fully spherical measurements are often impossible using home-build rotators.


The realization of automated measurements requires a high design effort.

The RTAX two-axis rotator is a high-fidelity solution to realize fully spherical sample rotations in experiments with extreme environmental conditions. Its innovative axis-in-axis principle allows to realize any rotation direction with the highest precision.

Rotax Probenkopf, Photo2

The ROTAX enables fully automated 3D measurements in experiments with

  • Small sample space
  • High magnetic fields
  • Cryogenic temperatures
  • Ultra-high vacuum

The two-axis rotator can be used in various applications, including fundamental research in condensed matter physics, imaging with x-rays and neutrons, growth and analysis of functional thin-film materials, or the chemical analysis of specimen.

How can your research benefit from using the ROTAX two-axis rotator?

Rotax Probenkopf mit zusätzlichen Installationen
Rotax installed on the sample rod

Technical product specification

27.5 mm
Overall length
43.0 mm
Baseplate to center
35.0 mm
Angular range
both axes 360°+ without limitation
Angular resolution
0.01° typically
PEEK (ROTAX R28-P), brass (ROTAX28-B), other materials on request
Sample holder
Latching plate for convenient pre-experimental preparation
Latching plate (LxWxH)
9 mm x 7 mm x 2 mm
Temperature range
10 mK … 370 K
Magnetic field range
no limitation
two mechanical drive rods
Suitable cryosystems
can be used in most standard cryomagnetic systems;
requires two vacuum-tight feed-throughs for drive rods with line-of-sight access
Experimental methods
electrical / thermal transport, specific heat, susceptibility, NMR, ultrasound, quantum oscillations, dilatometry, …

Contact us

The developers of the ROTAX

Dipl. Ing. Stefan Findeisen
Mechanical construction (left)

Dr. Hannes Kühne
Customer contact (right)

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Frequently asked questions:

 Please contact us. We are happy to arrange a free-of-charge virtual meeting to advise you.

The rotator is fixed at three holding points and coupled into two drive rods. We will gladly send you an example drawing for the mounting!

We cooperate with the company NMR Service (https://www.nmr-service.de/), which offers probes matching the Rotax.

Please contact us to discuss if we can offer a rotator according to your requirements.

All parts of the rotator are CNC machined in an elaborated process, so that the finished product meets the highest possible standards for precision and durability.